There is a potty chair next to my bed this evening as I write this. I dare say it's better than a commode next to a hospital bed. I mean, the entertainment factor alone speaks volumes! Today was an unequivocally difficult day. I've been doing much more physical activity in the last week than I have in recent months, which has been wonderful so the extra pain wasn't entirely unexpected, albeit the magnitude definitely was.
I left my chiropractor's office last night silently laughing at his, "Do you think you can make it until next week to see me? Call me anytime during the week if you have any questions about an activity you're doing or pain you're experiencing after an activity." Like, that's super nice and all but OF COURSE I can make it a week without seeing him and it's great he's available but why would I need to call him? Umm, around noon today I was talking to him on the phone...hmm, humble pie anyone?
His words: "Take the next two days off. If you feel up to it, walk a bit. Rest in bed or on the floor; not a couch. Don't let this get you down mentally. You've come far. Call me tonight and tomorrow with an update." Two days off? Drats. That totally gets me off my goal log for this week. Oh well, same goals for next week I guess!
So today was spent in my friend's sister's bed with an in-and-out flurry of two 3 year olds, two babies, and three adults. Apart from needing help to walk once again and needing to be carried twice, it was a great day of distractions and conversations!
This evening definitely took the cake though! After Charis helped me up the stairs to my bedroom I was forced to grasp the unfortunate reality that I needed to use the restroom. You try walking up the stairs with what feels like a freshly broken pelvis and tell me if you want to jump for joy at the thought of going to the bathroom! Charis looked at me then suddenly and brilliantly smiled, "How about Addi's potty chair?!" I looked at her in shocked horror at the mere thought of such a thing before replying with the obvious, "Um, okay I'll give it a whirl!"
There I was, 1:30 in the morning lounging in bed staring out the window knowing for a fact: this was not a dream. Charis was downstairs getting Addi's potty chair for me to use.
She brought it up and promptly went to clean it out as if it were the most normal thing in the world. I sat wide-eyed looking down at that tiny little thing I was to SIT on! Now, it is a known thing to bring pee bottles while winter camping in the wilderness and I am thankful to say I have never had to experience the challenge this must present for a woman but looking down at that potty chair I thought there really doesn't seem to be much difference. When stating this potential hazard to Charis she readily replied I could easily fit. Lovely. Should I take that as a compliment?
However, once noted that it was a looong ways to get down to that thing there was a bit of an issue. Never fear! Charis left and returned with her 3 year old daughter's little tike chair, placed the potty on it and seemed as though she'd just solved the world's greatest problem!
Until....I sniffed and asked if the dog just went to the bathroom in the adjoining room. Sure enough, the potty chair was not the only thing poor Charis ended up cleaning close to 2 in the morning. She was off to find cleaning supplies while I faced my pride and figured out that silly looking contraption. Really though, is it even appropriate to be called pride at this point? I mean, I'm a good 26 years past needing a potty chair for crying out loud! There I sat as Charis turned on the light in the other room and stopped dead in her tracks in consternation at the appalling sight before her. Apparently the dog had been making that room her secret litter box.
As Charis described what she saw I had my own revelations. For the past 4-5 days I'd awakened periodically throughout the night and smelled the most wretched stench. I merely thought I needed to shampoo my hair or something. Then every morning I'd smell a similar awfulness but figured it was something they'd cooked from breakfast and the aroma had seeped into my room. It made complete sense to me because when I was a kid every time my dad fried fish the smell floated up to my bedroom and it was anything but delectable. But the scads of dog poop and pee? THAT made SO much more sense! One of those “ah ha" moments for sure!
We were laughing at the absurdity of the entire predicament when suddenly the potty chair made rushing water sounds that freaked me and the dog out to high heaven! Charis keeled over laughing in the other room saying, "I forgot it did that!" Seconds later it began playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for me. I can truly say I never thought I'd be serenaded by a potty chair, especially one that I was using no less! Once a child's voice started laughing under my bum I had had enough and made a quick exit. For goodness sakes whatever happened to simple wooden potty chairs we all grew up with?!
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