Monday, December 8, 2014

Unexpected Reminders from Reindeer & Kermit

Today I went on a walk. I didn't want to. I wanted to stay inside and keep listening and singing to worship music, watch some more TV while the baby slept (not mine ya'll, the babe I nanny for), maybe call a few friends to chat with....but I was bored!

Soooooo mindlessly bored, in fact, I didn't realize until 9 hours into my day that my shirt was on inside out. Alas, it wasn't the first time this has happened and I'm sure it won't be the last!

Sometimes I have to MAKE myself get out. Today was one of those days.  

I didn't want to deal with a big outing so we went for a walk. And my Daddy up above knew that was JUST what I needed.

We set out for a little stroll pushing the B.O.B. Normally this is when I have a mental conversation with myself wondering why I'm still a nanny, knowing everyone thinks this is my child, and trying to figure out a creative way for everyone to know: This. Is. NOT. My. Child! 

Some would say, "Who cares?" But that moment you find yourself talking with a tall, handsome, seminary student at a coffee shop with no ring on his finger only to've got a baby with you...well folks, THAT'S a problem.  Let's not even discuss getting out of a gold mini-van with twin babies at REI! 

I digress....

Today I was just roaming. 

Not thinking (that's hard to do for a lady!) 

Annnnnndddd THEN I saw THIS!!!

Nothing says, "Cheer up and LAUGH" like some cartoon-like reindeer bushes! Right?? Or have I just gone mad?

I'm sure the construction workers across the street thought the latter as I zoomed right over, took a picture then forgot where I was going and walked past that house three times. But that's okay because last week I heard one of them belch while I was still 4 houses down the street. I think I'd rather see a plumber crack momentarily than to hear THAT horrific noise again.

A few blocks later I turned the corner, looked up, and saw THIS!

It is a rare thing to see Christmas decorations that say such wonderful things as rejoice and joy (I didn't want to be toooo stalkerish and refrained from taking a photo of the joy sign.)

In my women's group we did a Bible study entitled Falling in Love with Jesus (highly recommended btw) last year.  In it, the authors speak of looking for kisses from the King throughout scripture and in life. 

*****Okay, I'm having one of those, I-can't-believe-I-wrote-that-it-sounds-so-cheesy moments but hang with me!  It WAS weird to think of for a bit - and cheesy - but basically it's like an "ah HA" or an "ahhhhhh" moment from Jesus. It's pretty cool. 

REJOICE was exactly that for me today.  I've been having a hard time enjoying anything to do with the holidays.  My pastor is doing a great sermon series on seeing Jesus as more than a baby born, but as the King who reigns.  But frankly, I'm just ready for 2015!

REJOICE.  Rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice REJOICE!

I was reminded of Philippians 4:4: 

"Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS; I will say it again, Rejoice!" 

I've often used this verse as an example of the importance of speaking life-giving thoughts into our lives.  I always think back to a day in college when I woke up super down-in-the-dumps, mad, irritated....basically all things negative. 

I had this scripture written on my mirror and just started repeating it.  At first I glared at the words and spoke them through a clenched jaw. Slowly it got better...the glare went away, the jaw relaxed, and I could feel a pep in my spirit. (Just so we're clear, I'm talking like twenty or more repetitions later!)  I must've been doing my hair or something to have had all that time to say that verse over and over and over.  But by the time I had to leave for class I genuinely was joyful.

It doesn't mean circumstances changed or even that all of my feelings changed.  

BUT my perspective shifted.  

I'm thankful for moments like today where I have an immediate "ah HA" (I couldn't stick with the cheesy phrase; just couldn't) moment and don't need to go through the repetition to get there. The Lord knew I needed an instantaneous reminder today. 

So I went along thinking of that word: Rejoice. And being reminded that this year it doesn't matter if my place is decorated or if I'm out celebrating all sorts of Christmas parties and planning lots of festivities.  

What DOES matter is REAL REJOICING.  

For me, some of the most "real rejoicing" moments have been when it's that true sacrifice. Down on my knees, unable to stand due to grief, sadness, or whatever else it may be but Jesus meets me there. With my sticky, tear-stained cheeks pasted to the wooden floor.  HE meets me.  So I can rise, stand, walk, and be reminded of the REASON to REJOICE. 

Annnnnndddd also helps, of course, to see this...

Who WOULDN'T laugh at that!?

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