Tuesday, August 18, 2015

More Solo Camping Pretty Please?

"Are you excited?"

"When are you leaving?"

"What are you most looking forward to?"

"How long will you be there?"


"Next week sometime."

"Three months from now."

"At least a year."

In the past month I have moved my belongings FOUR times, cancelled insurances, learned far more about SIM cards and VPN stuff than I ever imagined possible (which still sounds more like video game terms than real life things and, let's be real, I still have no reasonable idea how they work), started to sell my truck, put it on hold because my visa was denied, prepared to stay here for two more months, then was told to plan on leaving in one week, started selling my truck again, packing again, and....began a series of meltdowns.

For real.

"WHY am I moving?"

"Why on earth am I moving to Asia??"

Extreme stress overload culminated a couple weeks ago and I imagine will dissipate sometime in the next couple months. So I've done productive things like: painting, hiking, camping, created photo books, more painting, tubing, climbing, and more hiking. It really helps to get all those items checked off the list. Like now, when I should be going to the bank, calling another bank, and packing....I'm writing this. Priorities people!

If you know me at all, you know I love interacting with others. When I'm not around people I talk on the phone or text for hours at a time. It's a problem. I realize I need help. 

Right now though? My texts have been at a steady 12-18 unread texts every day. My voicemails have been at a steady 6 new voicemails. Let's not even talk about emails and Facebook messages, okay?

This morning I caught up on most of my unread texts. Texting my massage therapist I was vastly encouraged after apologizing for never responding to him due to craziness that is right now.  "You got this. You are courageous and full of life. May you take a little time each day for yourself to reset. Exercise your faith and celebrate this joyous and exciting adventure!"

Ahhh the little things in life that BRING breath and life to your day!


I was going to escape to the mountains last Sunday and Monday. 

Instead I slept.  BORING! 

So, let's just escape here for a moment then....

To a few weekends ago where I DID escape to the mountains for a little solo camping.

It was perfect.

Although I left a few hours later than planned, I made it happen!

And I needed it.

The drive greeted me with the most spectacular sunset.

I started tearing up. Because I'm a girl. And I'm leaving the mountains for a polluted city of twenty-five million people.

Blinking rapidly, I pulled over to take pictures.

And soaked it all up.

Just up this road and in the mountains was where I was heading for the night!

I found my campsite and set up camp...in the dark. Just a little FYI: I wouldn't recommend solo camping as a female and setting up camp in the dark. It's fine, but just how you need to acclimate to altitude, I've decided "acclimating" to a camp site is also most beneficial. It makes all those noises once the sun goes down seem less extreme. Especially in bear country.

Just a 'lil tip! 

Apart from that all you need is: your truck, a tent, some Mountain House, a Jet Boil, water, and some time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the moon and sounds of the night (once you stop freaking out of course!)

The plan?

Camp then hike a 14er in the morning.


Morning came, I made breakfast, went back to sleep, woke up and tried to muster up the energy to go hiking....finally, after much self talk, decided a coffee shop in a mountain town sounded far better.

So I drove.

And drove some more.

Realizing I will not be driving for a year.

I just kept driving.

And ended up at.....an outlet mall in Frisco.  I went shopping for travel items at Eddie Bauer!

Then found a coffee shop by the river and talked with an ex-husband and ex-wife who were on vacation with each other while both engaged to other people. It was all quite enthralling.

Eventually, I drove back to Denver to meet up with my beloved grandparents!

When can I go back??


  1. Love hearing about your plans!!! Please keep blogging when you are in China. Thanks for your kind words on FB! Love you so much!!! Will be praying!!!

  2. This made me laugh out loud and smile in understanding and love you even more.

    1. Glad it made you laugh and I know you and your family certainly understand!
