Sunday, October 18, 2015

Just Another Sunday

Today I watched a wedding ceremony from my balcony seventeen floors above the grassy courtyard. 

The normal courtyard view from my balcony.

I was having yet another chill Sunday watching Netflix and looking up weekend adventures. Much to everyone's surprise, I'm actually home a TON. Between still trying to find community in this gigantic city, yelling at rambunctious three year olds (you try softly speaking to 20 three year olds who don't speak English and tell me how that works for you) five days a week, and dealing with China norms, somehow staying in bed until 10am or 11am seems to happen rather easily! 

I know, I know, nobody believes I am home a lot! It's true though. 

A friend told me a couple weeks before I left: "You need to take this next year and learn how to care for yourself." This came as she and another friend were helping me down a cliff face next to a climbing area. I'd had a horrible migraine all day but kept ignoring it because - I don't get migraines anymore. So there I was sleeping at the bottom of a rock climb all because I refused to cancel and ruin their plans and I refused to admit I had a migraine. That was just plain dumb.

My spot. At least when the pollution is low!

These days things are different. I sleep instead of waking up early to hike, ski, or rock climb. I sometimes even go to bed early! An introvert friend of mine who enjoys living by himself once told me he's gone days without talking out loud. You guys, THAT has happened to me here! 

It is weird. 

Thus, I've started practicing my dance moves in front of my bathroom mirror! Yep. I just admitted that. My current favorite is dancing to Meghan Trainer's duet with John Legend, Like I'm Gonna Lose You. I think it may be even worse that I admitted THAT. 

I guess that's how an extrovert stays sane while living by myself and being 14 hours ahead of friends and family back home?

There's added benefits actually!! I've been having a tough time finding a good chiropractor here and the plain rides, travels, jogging, and everything is beginning to take its toll on my old injury. A couple years ago, my wellness practitioner back in Colorado told me I needed to sway my hips more to help with my ski injury. If you're not aware of what happened you can read about it here.  

You can probably imagine the shock on my face as I listened to her. Mouth dropped; eyes popped. That was not all she said. But that's all I'm sharing! I'll never forget nannying and pushing a baby stroller around a mall while practicing swiveling my hips. 

Folks, it helps. I remember clearly. 

Thus, as I hunt to find a good chiropractor and acupuncturist, I guess I'll just keep dancing and practicing what my incredible wellness team told me to do in the past! 

Okay....I digress.   

The wedding! See? I've been home FAR to much this weekend and am just blabbing away on here!

I was thankful for the interruption of the wedding. It was a tiny affair and seemed unorganized, but what else is new? At the end, they released a bunch of balloons. 

Moments later I got to watch the sun setting over the city before heading out to church.

Tonight I decided to check out a different church. It's not like there are many to choose from; there are three or four known protestant expat churches here. They are for foreign passport holders. Chinese passport holders have other churches where they are to attend.

I have been going to a church around the corner from me. The one I wanted to check out tonight is in a part of town I enjoy. It's about a 20-30 minute scooter ride. Tonight I switched the ride up a bit by continuing straight instead of turning left at one point because I didn't want to deal with a left turn. I decided it's not always a good idea to try different routes. Thankfully my scooter was fully charged!

Somehow I made it to church on time. EVEN with getting lost and taking it slower than normal due to random chunks missing from the road and piles of gravel blocking my lane at times. I'd just driven that route a couple days ago and everything was fine!

Guess what!? I sat by a lady from Muscatine, Iowa who has been to Pella Tulip Time!! Wow. 

There was a guest speaker (of course, because that's what always happens when you visit somewhere for the first time) who serves at a church in Hong Kong. He joked about how everything is easier in Hong Kong. The congregation laughed, knowing he's right. Btw, for those who think Hong Kong is a part of China. You're right. Kinda. Sorta. Not really. But yes. 


I want you to imagine singing this well known song with me in here in China: 

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My f@ith will stand

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your s*vereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now.....
S*ir*t lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could every wander
And my f@ith could be made stronger
In the presence of my S@vi*r

Imagine yourself surrounded by people from countries all around the world. Singing in English, with a multitude of accents from other nations. Looking at the large walls separating you from those walking on the streets outside. 

I say this because I've actually rarely liked this song. I've found it over sung, over played and not truly heartfelt and lived out. At least not to where it's hard, as the lyrics suggest. That is my blunt take on it. 

But tonight, as we sang it, and as the speaker spoke of things I'd love to share with you, I could not stop the tears from flowing. 

I hate crying in public. I always have. Who doesn't?! Tears can be a gift. Because they reveal the heart.

Tonight, as I caught myself getting annoyed with the tears, I stopped and asked Him to keep giving me a heart that tears up for the freedoms I have while knowing so many are without. 

In a multitude of ways.

Please, if you hear or find yourself singing that song, think of those singing it in China.