Turns out, preschool is a pretty fantastic age to teach when you're feeling blue.
Apparently I must have said the phrase, "You're so funny" at one point. It clicked.
And has been repeated.
and over....
and over.....
One afternoon I was getting ready to teach the lesson and half my class was giggling saying, "Miss Heather, you're so funny!!" I looked at them and told them it was about time they learned a new phrase.
What was the phrase?
I am just thrilled you asked!!!
"Miss Heather, you're so BEAUTIFUL!!"
For some reason they thought I wasn't sincere. They erupted into hysterics with the ever normal "Miss Heather, you're SO FUNNY!"
I gave them one of my most serious looks. That did it.
They straightened up. Sat still. Looked at me with smiles, then serious faces, then smiles and serious faces. Poor kiddos couldn't tell if I was being serious or joking!
I looked at them quite sad-like, shaking my head and said, "I am very, very serious. You should say, 'Miss Heather you're so beautiful.'"
One girl decided to give it a go She's a smart one and had cried when she awoke from nap; she wisely knew schmoozing the teacher could get that end of the day sticker! "Miss Heather, you're SO beautiful!"
With one of my most dramatic flares, I squealed, acted surprised, threw my hands up in the air and said, "OH THANK YOU SHIVANGI!!!"
Obviously, the other children wanted that reaction too.
Thus began a chorus of this newly phrase!
I made sure to give them all a little speech about going home to tell their mommies: "Mommy, you're SO beautiful!"
Meanwhile, the boys decided to one-up each other it starts young apparently.
One would say, "Miss Heather, you're so beautiful!"
Another would say, "Miss Heather, you're so very VERY beautiful."
While another would say, "Miss Heather, you're so very very very VERY beautiful!"
Finally: "Miss Heather, you're so very very very VERY MORE beautiful!!!" My obvious fave.
Their smiles would get larger and larger as they knew they were outdoing each other. I was surprised and impressed they were able to take the word "very" from a lesson about feelings and use it in this manner! It's good to know my English teaching is paying off! ;)
On the opposite side of the room, my Chinese teacher was laughing at my antics. I had them tell her she's beautiful too. She thought it was weird at first. It's growing on her now. I'm sure she secretly wants to ignore cultural norms and give me a great big bear hug now.
Last week while we were waiting for all the kids to get to their lunch tables one smart boy grinned at me and said my new favorite phrase. Then they all went crazy out-doing one another the gals have caught on to this concept now. My Chinese teacher laughed saying, "Ohhhh my, what have you started?"
I reminded them tell her too! She shook her head and went to her desk. She likes me all the more for it.
The other day as they were getting ready for nap, I had another little moment of sadness. Obviously, I simply informed the kiddos, "You know, I haven't heard 'Miss Heather' you're so beautiful in a while..."
Thus...it began again. They are trained well.
Now, what phrase should I teach next??
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