Happy birthday to this man!
My favorite thing about my dad?
He's always filled my vehicles up with fuel for me!! Even when he knew I was up to something as a teen when I'd suggest he take my car to barbershop practice. Not the hair cutting place ya'll; does it LOOK like he ever cuts his hair??
Okay, okay, I'm kidding. That's not my favorite thing about him, although it's fairly high up on the list! There's a hint for anyone who ever rides in my vehicle with me btw. ;)
He's always worked unceasingly to provide for our family, while making many personal sacrifices such as the Wal-Mart shoes and clothing while his daughters pleaded to PLEASE never inflict such horrors on us. It's true. We were snobs. At least I've cleared the air now and it's out there.
It's occurred to me that Dad was one of the people who encouraged me most throughout the years to get out and explore! Hopefully he's not eating or drinking when he reads that because I'm fairly certain he may choke a bit at that revelation.
We explored in a midwestern sort of way:
- Playing catch with a softball or football in the street
- Fishing I've since decided I'd much prefer reading a book and journaling while someone fishes and I'll offer to gut them later. I'm an odd girlie-girl.
- Riding bikes and making bets on how far we could go I always won even when I lost because I'm his daughter and that's how it works. Take notes Dads.
- Rollerblading although I'm positive neither of us ever perfected the whole how-to-stop predicament.
- Ice skating on ponds.
- Vacations in different spots each summer even though, had it been up to him, he'd never leave our small town in Iowa!
- Finding the steepest snow-covered cornfield or dirt road sledding hills. He regretted it later when I took my friends back to these hills and someone always ended up in the ER. Ya'll know what I'm talking about!
Pretty sure while reading this his old-man self is conflicting with his inner man-child thinking he wished he'd simple played Duck Hunt and Super Mario Brothers with me!
I'm glad he didn't.
The amount of times he's been freaked out by my excursions are certainly up there. But, hey, my parents didn't have a boy and try as I might, they'd never let me go hunting with him so I eventually figured out my own ways to cause all that grey hair.
I'm rather proud of my success.
We don't keep in contact a ton. We see each other even less. As an adult, he's surprised me a few times with cards in the mail when I've gone through exceptionally hard times.
I mean, this man went indoor AND outdoor climbing for the FIRST TIME EVER at the age of 61!
Now, that's impressive!
I've promised my niece I'd take her somewhere exciting this summer. She chose the mountains or the beach. There's a rumor Dad already vetoed my taking her to the mountains. Looking at these pictures I just can't for the life of me wonder why!! ;)
Love you Dad!
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