He totally knew what it meant too Hot Man and King Kong for that matter. Once he saw the ah-ha look on my face, he got all proud telling me how cool that name was. Meanwhile, I do not think I have ever experienced a moment where it was so tough to hold in laughter and I succeeded! Normally I'm with children when that happens and I turn my back or go rushing out of the room!
Hot Man and Daniel figured I was going to Xi'an for the typical tourist stuff. When I told them of the mountain I was meeting up with a friend to climb, their eyes got wide. It's amusing. My doctor, his nurse, and my translator had a similar reaction. It ended with my telling the translator to be quiet because she was freaking me out, with the doc telling me I won't make it, then becoming WeChat friends with my translator so she could prove to the doc I made it. I mean, come on, does he not know to never tell a woman she can't do something!?
Daniel told me, "In China, a man cannot be considered a hero unless he has climbed Mt. Huashan." Whoa. Suddenly the reports of this hike seemed all the more legitimate.
He told me the Chinese word for "male hero."
I asked, "What would a woman be called for climbing the mountain?"
He blushed and giggled - yes, giggled then pondered for a moment............."A female hero!"
Except, that proved to be a challenging concept I quickly diverted from upon realizing it sounded very similar to heroin! I briefly attempted to explain the difference but that would take far longer than a plane right across half of China.
Daniel and Hot Man I could say that man's name all day long, it never ceases to make me smile! searched their mental vocab for what I could be referred to upon reaching Mt. Huashan. Here is what they came up with:
Regardless, as we stood in line for an hour to hike the sketchiest section of the mountain, many people celebrated their impending heroic status. We joked about it on the mountain and the entire trip. It was humorous to say, "Now I can leave China a hero!"
Yet, when when I think of heros and heroines I think of :
- Men and women who have died to fight for their country
- Men and women who have risked their lives to rescue enslaved children
- Men and women who daily declare Him to be Ruler of their hearts even in the midst of fierce oppression and victimization
- Men and women who leave all comforts and everything they know to spread the Word to people who would otherwise not hear
Those are just of few of my heroes and heroines.
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