Saturday, April 29, 2017

No Bears Allowed

"Will there be bears?"

"No. I promise. No bears."

"Because I'm terrified of bears."

"There won't be bears. It'll be a blast! Snow. Hiking. A SPECTACULAR view!"

"Ok let's go! What should I bring?"

Last month, I got a good friend of mine to finally go on a hike with me.

Sarah's a city girl through and through. Her biggest fear? Bears.

It was a big day. 

She had the biggest smile on her face when we met up at the parking lot. "This is SOOOO out of my comfort zone buddy!"


We hiked the short, chill hike to St. Mary's Glacier along with about fifty other people who had the same idea. 

We didn't ask if they were out conquering fears of bears as well. 

I dare say this lovely lady enjoyed herself thoroughly!  

Glissading on the way down was by far her favorite. 

Did I mention this was my birthday weekend? She brought me the best treat - paleo brownies made with avocados or sweet potatoes - I forget. Absolutely delicious! 


We popped a squat by the glacier, ate the goodies, and got out one of my favorite go-to books for quiet times in God's presence. It's a classic another friend introduced me to years ago, Come Away My Beloved, by Frances J. Roberts. 

 "If you form the habit of trusting Me in the easy way, 
you will find it the natural thing to lean upon Me in the difficult situation.
And if I bring you through the river in summer, you shall not fear to trust Me in flood time.

So clasp your hand in Mine, and do not loosen your hold. 
For you cannot tell what great thing I may do for you through some small happening.
Your every hair is numbered, and the most incidental occurrences of the most ordinary day I delight to choose and use to reveal My earnestness in helping you.

Clasp Me to your heart, for I love you with an everlasting love, 
and with strong cords I have bound you. 
Look not back, but look ahead, for I have glory prepared for you.
Yes, when you look on My face you will surely say that these present sufferings 
are in no way comparable to the glory I have in store for you."

It was a good, GOOD day.

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