Friday, November 30, 2018

Of Mice & Women

"Heather!!!! Psssttt! Heather!!!"

I looked up the stairs to where one of my residents was trying to get my attention. She was eating leftover pulled-pork which I, obviously, asked if I could help myself to before she proceeded to say:

"I walked into my apartment anddddd there was a mouse. So, I opened the oven door and SCOOPED it in there! I didn't know what to do! Now what??"

Ummmmmm, FIRST, let me swallow this suddenly nauseating food.

"There's a live mouse running around inside your oven? Right NOW!??" 


Thank goodness one of the maintenance men happened to be home. I would have told the resident to set the oven to broil, put earplugs in, and we'll deal with it later!

Instead, I bid adieu to get some house supplies. Costco has never seemed so appealing.

Last week this was my view:

It was a dream. One I never wanted to wake up from!

On my drive home Sunday afternoon I was praying to be "all in" and prepared for this week.

This week...well I'll spare you the pictures and keep the ones of Vail coming.

Staff meeting Monday: We are infested with rodents. 


Staff: Mice. Squirrels. They're everywhere. We hear them in the walls. It's never been like this before and it's primarily due to two apartments. It's BADThey've overtaken the building. 

Okay, maybe they didn't say the rodents have overtaken the building, but that's what I heard.

LOUD and clear.

I was thinking of the piece of brie cheese I wasn't able to finish on my plate by my chaise lounge. In my mind, I vividly saw hundreds of mice chomping on that cheese. Ewwwww

I was squirming in my seat as we discussed how the problem got so bad and began brainstorming what could be done to fix it. When it came to things like, "During weekly apartment inspections we'll have to look under sinks and remove grocery bags because they like to build nests there. Look for mice colonies, feces, and such...." I found myself thinking:

Lord, have mercy, can I go back to Vail?

We (staff) went into the most infested apartment one evening to pray for this lady and her children. What can be done, Lord?

It is safe to say we were all grossed out. None of us felt comfortable to sit. We watched where we stepped. I prayed with my eyes partially open for fear of mice suddenly FLYING towards us.

While we were praying something slipped onto the top of my shoe. I nearly flew into my coworker's arms. Patting me on the back, she said, "It was a bowl. It's okay. It was just a bowl. Not a mouse."

Never have I ever felt so prissy.

Disposable hazmat suits are sold on Amazon for a mere $10. I've checked. If anyone wants to purchase some for staff at Joy House, please feel free. Kidding. Not kidding. Kidding?

Please refrain from gifting Disney's Ratatouille. It is far too realistic and no longer cute in my book.

Can you pray for these women and children? Pray for staff. Due to a couple apartments our entire home is having daily sitings and killings of mice.

It's not a simple fix with exterminators. There's larger issues we are talking about to keep our house sanitary, safe, and healthy. 

Meanwhile, I'm going to keep escaping to the mountains to breathe, thanking the Lord for the abundant and numerous ways He provides!

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