Excitement and nervousness filled the air.
For some of our mommas, this Christmas was the first they shared with their children in a long time, or ever. They wanted it to be big, special, filled with laughs and smiles.
I watched throughout the month as these mommas took busses, used gas cards, and found other ways to get all over town in order to receive donated gifts so their little loves could have presents under the tree this Christmas.
Memories in our house are perhaps even more precious than most. Every good memory created is also a reminder of a restored life. It’s a reminder of hope.
Each live-in staff takes a holiday. Mine was Christmas. Christmas Eve we had snacks and cider while sitting around our Christmas tree. I read a “‘Twas the Night of Jesus’ Birth” and envisioned all the kiddos sitting around listening to the story. It was a nice thought. Have y’all seen the SNL skit with Matt Damon for Christmas? That’s what last night and this morning were like. The only thing missing for me was a man and a glass of wine!
Still, the mommas were thankful and the one child who listened can now go read it to her siblings!
This morning I went to the group kitchen early to get our birthday breakfast started. On my way, I heard squeals of delight coming from all over the house!
After blowing the fuse four times, running to my apartment to use my oven because the group kitchen oven wouldn't work, and only downing two cups of coffee...our Happy Birthday Jesus party was underway!
We had a floppy pancake birthday cake with candles - the candles were what mattered.
We put on our birthday hats. (A gazillion times until I got smart and retied every single one! The Dollar Tree is no longer my friend.)
Then we sang the birthday song and everyone blew really hard from their seats to get those candles out. Hypochondriacs, be glad you weren’t here.
After lots of chaos and thrill, we cleaned up left the mess and played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. A couple of the kids convinced us to join in! I totally suggested they watch their mommas play and the moms made me join too.
The game lasted maybe ten minutes until there was more screaming and running.
Moms were sweet and offered to help clean up.
I did a quick "Would You Rather" in my head:
...have adults help with kids ran around yelling and possibly fighting?
....clean up a GIGANTIC mess in peace and quiet?
I, quickly, encouraged them to take their kiddos to their apartments. Then, I cranked up some Christmas music and got to work!
It was, indeed, a very Merry Christmas.
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