Monday, September 24, 2012

Hello Colorado!!!

        I have been back in Denver for over a month now!  Lots of transitions have occurred and much support from my rediscovered community here in Colorado!  A couple weeks ago some friends threw a welcome back party for me.  What a joy to be able to see and thank all who came!  
  One of the many things this injury has taught me is to ask for help.  It’s not like I’ve had much of an option to, but at least I’m getting practice!  I’d like to say I have arrived and am able to ask for help with the complete confidence that this is what Christian community is to be all about - helping one another in their time of need.  Instead, it’s far truer to say the Lord has provided people who understand my dread of asking for help and readily offer their assistance!  It’s much easier to be the helper than the one being helped!  
The view from one of the 3 hikes I've been
on since being back.  My PT has since
told me no more of this for a while;
it was nice while it lasted!.

  The main reason I came back to Colorado when I did was because my gracious former roommate and landlord had been housing most of my belongings for months but by mid-August it all needed to be moved.  Several men and women showed up multiple times to pack boxes, load the U-Haul, and move stuff to storage.  Two and a half weeks later we (and by we I mean not me!) took stuff out of storage and a friend’s garage, loaded up another U-Haul, and moved everything into the place where I’m now living with my new roommate!  The moves were difficult, but not nearly as rough as I’d anticipated due to the guys and gals pulling chairs out and demanding me to stay put!  A big thanks goes out to ALL who helped!!
I was asked how it feels to wear my own clothes again.  It’s like Christmas!!!   Unpacking has been full of mysteries as there are items I still do not know if I now own or if they were loaned to me while in the hospital.  In particular, if the owners of a lovely grey mid-length sweater with large fancy buttons and a quality sea green leather make-up bag with foot care items in it are reading this I have your stuff!  Thankfully, I’ve already located the owner of the random pair of swimsuit bottoms I acquired as well as the scads of DVDS I have found!
I’m thankful I came here prepared that the first several weeks would be hard.  For the most part, it hasn’t been as tough as I thought it would be thanks to the pool at the place I was crashing at the first few weeks and friends with hot tubs in their apartment complexes!  The things I knew would be hard, definitely are.  Like: grocery shopping, laundry, unpacking, city driving versus town driving (more twists, turns, and bumps on my body as well as longer distances more often), and saying no when I want to say yes to more activity and outings!  There was certainly a part of me that, while thinking and preparing myself for this reality, was hoping life would be back to normal!  That said amidst the continued trials, it is unbelievably nice to be on my own again, driving my vehicle, and exploring my neighborhood during short walks! 
Everyone here has been amazingly encouraging, as the last time they saw me I was heavily medicated and barely walking with the assistance of a walker and 1-2 people holding me with a gate-belt wrapped around my waist!  In comparison I should say I guess I am doing rather well!  There’s a few people I met while in the hospital and have been able to re-meet in the last couple weeks.  Their first response after the initial greeting was: “I didn’t realize how tall you are!”  Others I’ve seen and have thanked them for visiting a couple times while I was in the hospital.  More than once I’ve heard, “You only remember my being there a couple times?  I was there a LOT, like at least 5-6 times.”  One of my male friends kindly told me one of the times he was there while I was learning how to use the bathroom.  I didn’t have the courage to ask what that meant!!  
         There continue to be many unanswered questions about what's next and when the what's next will happen, but a verse that immediately comes to mind is Philippians 4:19: "And my God will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus."  Whether it is physical or emotional strength and perseverance, finances, or wisdom to get through each day --- He IS FAITHFUL!

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