Walking around to get signed out of all the departments. Turning in my foreign expert certificate.
Little gifts from someone in the school who got married or had a baby. Imagine, working at a large company and getting gifts for every single employee.
What would the last day of school be without the balloon man??
Class moms took these and sent them to me. Precious! We were overwhelmed with gifts of love, hugs, kind words, emails, homemade candles, flowers, chocolates, and lotions clearly these moms know the way to our hearts!

The hard:
- At least eight sinus infections
- Bronchitis
- The flu
- A sprained wrist
- Random ski injury flare-up putting me on crutches
- Undergoing electric shock therapy on my crotch to help the injury
- Pink eye
- Allergies comparable to the midwest
- Scratches on both corneas thanks to fake replacement contacts
- Up and down emotions like crazy
- Lies and misrepresentations told about me costing my job
- Over half my belongings disappearing
The good:
- Abundantly answered prayers
- Sharing and teaching about God
- Watching coworkers become more bold in sharing and teaching about Him
- Community among coworkers and people from my fellowship
- Getting a glimpse of what He is doing in this nation
- Listening to the kiddos sing, "Do You Hear Me Praying, Lord" and other songs
- Hearing kiddos who spoke little to no English learning another language
- Hearing them pray for others
- Positive feedback from parents including that their kids have them pray at home
- Being able to travel all over
- Friends I've met through trips
- Coworkers who go above and beyond to advocate on my behalf by speaking truth
- Reconciliation it's a beautiful thing
- Being entirely humbled over and over and over again
- Beginning to see the dichotomy in the harsh and sweet ways of the locals
- Realizing this is the first break I don't feel I NEED to leave China!
While the hard was taxing in every way possible, the good has exceeded the bad by far!
He never tells us life with Him will be easy or without pain and trials. He says the opposite. Yet, too often we seek out the easier paths and when trials come we want to run. I know I have! One particular instance this year, if it weren't for a friend telling me to stick it out for the kids, I would have said, "Peace OUT!"
The oh-so-popular song by Laura Story comes to mind:
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
What if all these things are what's needed to reach others?
What if it's not about us?
What if we let him He carry us while we carry others?
What would life look like then?
There should be another verse.
Beautifully lived and said!