Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Coming Out of the Fog


What are those?

I had some once upon a time. 

They included heading to the mountains ASAP after returning to the states back in July. Leaving the fog behind and breathing that fresh, crisp, clean, clear mountain air! 

Next up? Hike, do some climbing, camping, and maybe even swim in a mold-free swimming pool! Not to mention, spend quality time with friends and family prior to returning to China in early September to work with Eden Ministry.

It's almost October and I'm still here....

Shortly after returning from China I started having bad stomach issues. Figuring it was some sort of parasite I got out my trusty holistic stuff and went to work on doing some cleansing. Apple cider vinegar, garlic, and more. My breath was DELIGHTFUL. 

After a couple weeks of worsening symptoms and threats from loved ones, I went in for tests. No parasites. A few more threats stubbornness combined with a strong detest of traditional health care is not always a good combo, I went for more tests. Turns out I've had cysts growing in me since sometime after I broke my pelvis several years ago. 

All this time I thought it was reoccurring pain from the ski injury. OopsI had surgery to remove the cysts in late July and have been recovering since. 

The good news: They were not cancerous and the diagnosis is I should have no more extreme pain when being active! 

The bad news: There were some post-opp complications that took a bit to figure out and I have been resting and healing up for a little over two months. After a lot of talk about whether to do a second surgery, I decided against it after seeing a third specialist and hearing while they all agreed surgery could be a viable option, they also all agreed time would also heal. I chose time.

More good newsI am beginning to get over the reverse culture shock of coming home to a Dutch, affluent, small town where I find myself at football games for those who know me, being at a football game is a culture shock in itself surrounded by people who make me feel like a shortie

The plan is? There are no plans.  

"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." Proverbs 16:9





Meanwhile, I'm soaking in time reconnecting with family and friends in Iowa. Playing cards with Grandma, having coffee with gal pals, watching far too many NCIS reruns, going through pictures and history books with Grandpa, watching my niece grow up before my eyes, doing some knitting, Paleo-ish cooking and baking that have my grandparents scratching their heads wondering how they got so old without the help of these hard-to-pronounce ingredients quinoa, kefir, chia, stevia, and reading senseless fiction novels mixed in with gripping non-fiction accounts of trafficking and persecution.  

Next up? Hopefully Colorado soon! For now, I'll revel in these pics from this summer. The mountains and I are long lost friends. I am in major need of another meet up. 

After that? David said it best:

"Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, 
for I have put my trust in You. 
Show me the way I should go, 
for to You I entrust my life." Psalm 143:8

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