Thursday, January 26, 2017

Cabin Coffee

Have you heard of Clear Lake, Iowa? Unless you're from Iowa, probably not. Maybe not even then!

This lovely lady and I have tried endlessly to find a weekend to meet up. Alas, it didn't work. Instead, we opted to meet half way between her place and my current abode for a day. 

Clear Lake, it was!

We sat in cozy Cabin Coffee for hours and hours

When they closed, we went to a not-so-cozy place next door and talked for several more hours. 

It was perfect!

We spent 7 hours - talking

Laughing, sharing, edifying, challenging, dreaming, and laughing some more. 

Quality time. Words of affirmation.  GREAT BIG HUGS. 

Do you ever spend time with a friend without any distractions or time constraints? 

This was one of those rare times.

No agenda.

No place to go next.

No stress.

Soul sisters we are. Small town, city livin' or soon-to-be-city-livin' gals. 

For the ladies out there: 

You know when you're with your gal pals and your voices steadily raise with excitement as you talk? I can think of a few friends' husbands who have lovingly reminded us to shush a bit when they were around us in public. We'd giggle back like teenagers.

Pretty sure everyone in both establishments heard our entire conversations.  Poor folks.

CC is all country, complete with fake windows.
It is not uncommon to send her a text and receive a long, and I mean long, text back praying for and speaking life over me, calling me out, and spurring me on. I LOVE IT! Even when I don't always like the calling me out part.

In China I would text and say, "I need encouraging scriptures - now!"

You know those times, when your mind is drawing a blank on all the tools you've hidden in your heart? That's where iron-sharpening-iron friends come in.

Scriptures would flood my WhatsApp account. 

She's not the only one.

I am abundantly grateful for the many women in my life who are my go-to warrior gals! 

This day though? This was a special day. 

We will remember our Cabin Coffee day until the next time, wherever that will be! I hope it will also be a random place we stumble upon and can call home for the day.

P.S. There's one more Cabin Coffee BRECKINRIDGE!!! 

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