When I was fourteen, my aunt took me to Chicago. It was incredible! Her daughters were young and I couldn't believe she took the time to go on a vacation with just ME!
I wanted to do something similar for Zara.
We have a special bond. I think it started when she was a baby and spit up down the front of me right after I'd taken a shower. She never spit up again. Ever.
My sister, Rebecca, wanted me in the delivery room with her when Zara was born. I went to birthing classes to help during her labor and found the entire experience far more awkward than miraculous!
All I remember about the birth was turning around and finding myself face-to-face with the placenta. Yuck. The nurses swiftly got a chair for me.
Once I could stand again....I left the room.
I don't even remember Zara's first moments of life or holding her in the hospital --- just the placenta.
It was life-altering.
Have I mentioned I'm super thankful friends ask me to be
in their weddings and not in the delivery rooms?
If I haven't said it before, here's a great big THANK YOU!!
These days, Zara intentionally likes to gross me out. She's double-jointed and can bend her fingers in freaky ways which simultaneously disgusts me while entertains her. Punk.
Meanwhile, I try to introduce her to the finer things in life. Like climbing, Ghirardelli chocolate....
....and a store with her name on it!
It's not everyday a gal can stand outside a chic European based clothing store sporting her name! She found perfume that had her name on it - literally.
We walked all around the city marveling how it's light up at night.
This swanky place to eat was right around the corner from our hotel. Sushi and a mimosa to celebrate NYE? Alright!
My reality: Forget all about said plan until a day after we went to the restaurant. Oops.
I took her to the Starbucks where I'd spent hours upon hours studying as a college student. Libraries and extroverts don't bode well for studying. We need activity around to be able to get stuff done!
Turns out, this was perfect. In this place, I'd studied God's Word countless hours. Meaningful discussions with friends and new acquaintances abounded. Cramming, meditating, questioning, writing, laughing, crying, and soaking in His presence are all memories made in this place.
The ring is from Eden Ministry which is signifiant enough on it's own in that it's a reminder to the fight to free those held captive in human trafficking.
It also has an olive leaf on it. Have ya'll studied the symbolism of olives and olive oil? I hadn't until I found the ring. It's truly fascinating! For starters, the Hebrew root words for olive and oil mean: to shine and brightness.
The process of getting oil from the olive leaf is quite the deal! Studying why the olive tree and its oil was used in ancient times is fascinating and filled with symbolism that pertains to our lives today.
I could totally nerd-out here and go on and on about how cool the olive and its oil are! Don't worry, though, I'll stop.
Zara, however, got it all written down in a card. Thankfully she was the opposite of annoyed by my findings.
Perhaps we could all use an olive leaf ring to remind us of His promises. Promises of peace, freedom, beauty, growth, and much much more.
Perhaps we could all use an olive leaf ring to remind us of His promises. Promises of peace, freedom, beauty, growth, and much much more.
She and I have decided we're different in more ways than we're similar.
However, when she asked me to take a picture of the ring on her finger, I made note: neither of us keep up with our nails!

Chicago, we adore you. Until next time!
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