Valentine's at Joy House was filled with beautiful moments.

The Wednesday before Valentine's Day, I'd just finished a special meal for 30+ people and I was beat. No climbing for me.
Sitting in my chair talking to a friend on the phone, I heard noises. I nearly stopped breathing because I was SURE there was an army of mice eating the poison by the fridge. My mind immediately imagined a pool of dead bodies on my kitchen floor the following morning. Have I mentioned mice are scary?
Gathering my courage, I went to investigate. I'm getting so brave you guys!
A resident thought I'd gone out for the evening and was taping THESE to my door!

It wasn't mice at all! It was a person!
One of the residents had gotten all the ladies to make personalized Valentine's to decorate each staff's door. After I was sure all were in their apartments, I went and read the Valentine's.
This - this is why we're here:
Holidays need to be special. I'm a firm believer of that statement. Even made-up Hallmark holidays. It's a reason to celebrate, so celebrate we will!
Our celebration began with this little love and her momma helping cut what seemed like hundreds of heart-shaped tortillas and strawberries.
Ever the prudent and health-conscious minded two year old, I looked down from my tortilla cutting perch and saw M-girl doing a plank! Not to be outdone, I joined her. Although, her form far exceeded mine.
The next day, in between building heart-shaped chicken quesadillas, crafting bacon roses, attending staff and resident meetings, and going to a prospective new resident interview, my loud-mouth
Instead of responding with a challenge or telling me to hush up (both would have been appropriate) staff responded with flowers all around!
This was just the beginning.

Watching staff be giddy over the heart themed food was also exciting.

Our pre-Valentine's Day meal was a success all around! Nothing burned, we had enough food, the bacon roses turned out, AND almost every person in the house was expressively thankful for the meal. Wow! What a treat!
I think I am learning how my grandparents felt every time our family would enjoy a meal they spent hours preparing. It's pretty special. Turn that up a few notches and ponder how most of these mommas and children have not had much to celebrate or have not been celebrated until coming to Joy House. Seeing their smiles over the "little" details was well worth the fatigue later.
Tonight, as I'm remembering a beautiful evening full of exuberance, laughter, smiles, and surprises, I am also thinking of love. Unconditional love. Love that should be celebrated. Messy, hard, painful love. Love that teaches. Love that humbles. Love that continually extends grace.
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