Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nothing Too Hard for God

Earlier tonight I was flipping through an old Bible browsing over sections I'd underlined. Why don't I go back & look at those more often?? 

I came across this verse: 

"I am the LORD, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?" Jeremiah 32:27

Now, as I reflect a bit more, I think of all the recent prayers I've prayed for others and myself. HE has been so faithful to answer even when it seemed the process was daunting and non-ending.

Still, I think of all the answers to prayers that are coming!!!

The small (at the time) church I grew up in sang short, catchy praise choruses often from the 80s.  Hey, it's Iowa ya'll even when we think we're trendy we're still about 3-13 years behind!  (I'm totally going to get it for that remark!)  

Dad and I both sang on our praise team. Anytime we went on a drive we'd make sure to grab the bag by the piano stuffed with worship choruses that we'd collected from praise team practices. I'd laugh at him as he got the words to the songs wrong...now my niece laughs at me as I get the words to songs wrong! Shoot.

Right now I'm sure thankful for the many times we sang in church, had Thursday night praise team practices, and grabbed that bag of print-outs by the piano because as I let the words of Jeremiah 32:27 soak it, an old praise chorus comes to mind:

                Ah, Lord God, Thou has made the heaven
And the earth by thy great power
                Ah, Lord God, Thou has made the heavens
               And the earth by Thine outstretched arms
Nothing is too difficult for Thee
Nothing is too difficult for Thee

While looking up the lyrics online (I didn't want my niece to call and tease me for posting the wrong lyrics) I discovered the words to that simple chorus were inspired by none other than Jeremiah 32:17: 
                                                  "O Sovereign LORD! You have made 
                                                   the heavens and the earth by 
                                                   Your strong hand and powerful arm. 
                                                   Nothing is too hard for You!" 

What a reminder! I just want to call every person who's shared heavy burdens, hopes, and dreams with me, reach through the phone, give them a GIGANTIC hug and say, "Nothing, NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is too hard for OUR GOD!!! Stand firm and remember He IS Lord!!"  

1 comment:

  1. Love the truths of that song. Whenever I hear it or read it I think of Rick Cowman. He sang it so WELL! Your thoughts were encouraging as we pray for Nick Guilien.
